sábado, 31 de enero de 2009

New It Boy on the block.

Let me introduce you my future husband and male icon, Ash.A new male-model trend has emerged. All of fashion's latest "It" boys have that awkward but adorable high-school punk look. The latest to join the bunch is him, my British cutie. He's got multiple tattoos on his arms and gauges in his ears.
Who would have guessed years ago that skinny pierced and tatooed boy
s were gonna be the trend?

martes, 27 de enero de 2009

From the Fashion Fair

I love the Fashion Fair that comes to University every now and then and instals at the Student Union for a whole day.
It's a day when various Retro-Vintage Charity Shop Owners drive their vans full of amazing clothes and accesories and set their small stands at the Uni.
Last Fashion Fair day was yesterday and I got a vintage high-waisted skirt and this amazing American Legend retro t-shirt.

Retro, Cool, Chic and Cheap, What else could I ask for? Charity Shops are genius!

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009

Messed Hair is Better

Hay quien dice que el pelo despeinado da imagen de sucio y poco cuidado: NO!
Están euqivocados.
Yo personalmente apenas me peino, y cuando cojo un peine es para cardar en condiciones.
El pelo despeinado también puede ser chic y llamativo, en la mayoría de las ocasiones muchísimo más que un moñorro de peluquería o un tupé de 'kani'.
Lo que si es seguro y nadie puede discutirlo, es que es muchísimo más cómodo, más natural, y te ahorra tiempo de peinarte por las mañanas.
Eso si, en mi caso creo que van a pasar muchos años hasta que deje de escuchar las palabras ''peinate hija por dios, que pareces una pordiosera!'', que parece son imposibles de eliminar de la rutina diaria de mi madre.

martes, 20 de enero de 2009

Hello Doc. !

I've been kinda obsessed with Dr.Martens Boots lately.
They are cool to wear almost with everything; Skirts, Shorts, Dresses...
I'm definitely gonna get a pair! But the thing is that I don't know in which color to get them, any idea?

domingo, 18 de enero de 2009

Another Random Sunday

The weather is rather windy and cold. At 5.30 is already dark. England is not that perfect.

sábado, 17 de enero de 2009

This is England

And I'm loving living here.
Que no os engañe mi ropa, la temperatura es 'pingüinica'

viernes, 16 de enero de 2009

Ginger beer.

I tried Ginger Beer today trying to be 'sofisticated' and all I can say is that ginger is just for rabbits!
Isn´t it paradoxical that I was wearing rabbit and drinking ginger? I think it is.

It's Fur time

I love my rabbit coat more than I would ever love a boyfriend
At least, it's warmer.

miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009

90's Revival!

Yo no diría vuelta a...
sino sigo con... Porque en realidad los hits de los 90 nunca han dejado de estar en mi cabeza, mi iPod y mi abundante coleccion de discos.
Que tiempos aquellos...

lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

Back in Englad after spending Christmas at home!

Christmas is time to spend with family, time of love, peace and calm...
or... is it time to party hard and go crazy?

I'm back in England.